Watch Clean and Sober online

Can you stream the Drama movie Clean and Sober, directed by Glenn Gordon Caron & starring Kathy Baker, Michael Keaton, Morgan Freeman & Tate Donovan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Clean and Sober

A hustling drug addict checks himself into rehab to escape trouble with the law and realizes that it's exactly what he needs.

TAGLINE: "Thirty remarkable days in the life of an ordinary man."

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Its release date is Wednesday August 10, 1988

Production details

Director Glenn Gordon Caron
Cast Kathy Baker, Michael Keaton, Morgan Freeman & Tate Donovan
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1988-08-10
Theme Alcoholism, Cocaine, Drinking, Drugs & Real Estate Agent
Place setting Philadelphia
Location Delaware, New Jersey & Pennsylvania
Script Tod Carroll
Cinematography Jan Kiesser
Music Gabriel Yared
Box Office Revenue $8,674,093
Runtime 124 min


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Clean and Sober | Aug 10th, 1988

Clean and Sober
6.7/10 | By Glenn Gordon Caron
The United States | Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation