Watch Colonel Redl online
Can you stream the Drama & History movie Colonel Redl, directed by István Szabó & starring Armin Mueller-Stahl, Gudrun Landgrebe, Hans Christian Blech & Klaus Maria Brandauer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Colonel Redl
Set during the fading glory of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the film tells of the rise and fall of Alfred Redl (Brandauer), an ambitious young officer who proceeds up the ladder to become head of the Secret Police only to become e...
Its release date is Friday March 29, 1985
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Its release date is Friday March 29, 1985
Production details
Director | István Szabó |
Cast | Armin Mueller-Stahl, Gudrun Landgrebe, Hans Christian Blech & Klaus Maria Brandauer |
Genre | Drama & History |
Country of origin | Austria |
Release date | 1985-03-29 |
Theme | Austria-hungary, Male Homosexuality, Military Officer & Treason |
Script | István Szabó, John Osborne & Péter Dobai |
Runtime | 144 min |