Watch Contracted: Phase II online
Can you stream the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Contracted: Phase II, directed by Josh Forbes & starring Anna Lore, Marianna Palka, Matt Mercer & Morgan Peter Brown on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Contracted: Phase II
Riley searches for a cure to the virus that took over Samantha before it consumes him and the entire world.
TAGLINE: "Protection is out of the question" All streaming services available
Its release date is Sunday July 5, 2015
Production details
Director | Josh Forbes |
Cast | Anna Lore, Marianna Palka, Matt Mercer & Morgan Peter Brown |
Genre | Drama, Horror & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2015-07-05 |
Theme | Body Horror, Infection, Sequel & Virus |
Script | Craig Walendziak |
Cinematography | Mike Testin |
Runtime | 78 min |