Watch Control online
Can you stream the Comedy, Crime & Thriller movie Control, directed by Nimród Antal & starring Csaba Pindroch, Sándor Badár, Sándor Csányi & Zoltán Mucsi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Control
A tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, the fellow inspectors on his team, all without exception likable characters, a rival ticket inspection team and racing along the tracks - and a tale about love.
TAGLINE: "There's no such thing as a free ride" All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday November 20, 2003
Production details
Director | Nimród Antal |
Cast | Csaba Pindroch, Sándor Badár, Sándor Csányi & Zoltán Mucsi |
Genre | Comedy, Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | Hungary |
Release date | 2003-11-20 |
Theme | Budapest, Hungary & Subway |
Place setting | United States |
Script | Jim Adler & Nimród Antal |
Costs | $500,000 |
Runtime | 105 min |