Watch Cousines online

Can you stream the Drama movie Cousines, directed by Richard Senecal & starring Jessica Geneus, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Roland Dorfeuille & Soledad Elizabeth Jean on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Cousines

Jessica is a young Haitian girl. She lives a quiet life in Port-au-Prince with her father's friends Margareth and Gasner. Everything changes when her father who is in the US dies. She's ...

TAGLINE: "A movie with heart and soul made by the new generation of Haitian filmmakers. It's about the hard reality of being young in a troubled country."

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Tuesday June 6, 2006

Production details

Director Richard Senecal
Cast Jessica Geneus, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Roland Dorfeuille & Soledad Elizabeth Jean
Genre Drama
Country of origin Haiti
Release date 2006-06-06
Theme Cousins, Expatriate, Family, Haiti, Haitian, Lawyers, Prostitution, Student, Survival & Womanhood
Place setting Alabama
Location Georgia (U.S. State)
Script Richard Sénécal
Costs $85,000
Runtime 97 min
Homepage Cousines Homepage

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Cousines | Jun 6th, 2006

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