Watch Creepshow 3 online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Creepshow 3, directed by Ana Clavell & James Glenn Dudelson & starring Justin Smith, Roy Abramsohn, Stephanie Pettee & Susan Schramm on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Creepshow 3

This second sequel to Creepshow (1982) features five new tales of horror: "Alice", "The Radio", "Call Girl", "The Professor's Wife", and "Haunted Dog".

TAGLINE: "The Most Fun You'll Ever Have Being Scared!"

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Its release date is Monday April 24, 2006

Production details

Director Ana Clavell & James Glenn Dudelson
Cast Justin Smith, Roy Abramsohn, Stephanie Pettee & Susan Schramm
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2006-04-24
Theme Vampires
Script Alex Ugelow (segment), Ana Clavell (segment), James Glenn Dudelson (segment), Pablo C. Pappano (segment) & Scott Frazelle (segment)
Runtime 104 min


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