Watch Cruise online

Can you stream the Romance movie Cruise, directed by Robert Siegel & starring Emily Ratajkowski, Kathrine Narducci, Noah Robbins & Spencer Boldman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Cruise

Set in the 1980s, a young Italian-American from the "wrong side of the tracks" falls for a Jewish girl from Long Island.

TAGLINE: "’87 was heaven…"

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Its release date is Thursday May 30, 2019

Production details

Director Robert Siegel
Cast Emily Ratajkowski, Kathrine Narducci, Noah Robbins & Spencer Boldman
Genre Romance
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2019-05-30
Theme 1980s, Boy, Italian American, Jewish Girl, Long Island, Love & Wrong Side Of The Tracks
Time setting 1930s
Script Robert Siegel
Runtime 90 min


Other Robert Siegel Movies on Hulu

Cruise | May 30th, 2019

5.2/10 | By Robert Siegel
United States of America | Romance
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation