Watch Cyborg Cop III online

Can you stream the Action, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Cyborg Cop III, directed by Yossi Wein & starring Bryan Genesse, Frank Zagarino, Ian Roberts & Jenny McShane on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Cyborg Cop III

A cop tries to stop a scientist's experiments to turn students into cyborg-mercenaries. Contains violence and strong language.

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Its release date is Monday May 1, 1995

Production details

Director Yossi Wein
Cast Bryan Genesse, Frank Zagarino, Ian Roberts & Jenny McShane
Genre Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Release date 1995-05-01
Script Dennis Dimster (screenplay), Dennis Dimster (story) & Jeff Albert (screenplay)
Runtime 94 min

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