Watch Dancing with Crime online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie Dancing with Crime, directed by John Paddy Carstairs & starring Barry K. Barnes, Garry Marsh, Richard Attenborough & Sheila Sim on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Dancing with Crime
A London cab driver gets mixed up with a criminal gang and sets out to expose the group and its leader for what they are.
Its release date is Wednesday June 25, 1947
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Its release date is Wednesday June 25, 1947
Production details
Director | John Paddy Carstairs |
Cast | Barry K. Barnes, Garry Marsh, Richard Attenborough & Sheila Sim |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Mystery |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 1947-06-25 |
Theme | Brit Noir, London England & Taxi Driver |
Place setting | London |
Script | Brock Williams & Peter Fraser (story) |
Cinematography | Reginald Wyer |
Music | Benjamin Frankel |
Runtime | 83 min |