Watch Daylight online

Can you stream the Horror & Thriller movie Daylight, directed by David McCracken, Diederik Van Rooijen, Joel Townsend & Kaidan Tremain & starring David McCracken, Jennifer Bacon, Josh Riedford & Sydney Morris on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Daylight

Upon learning she has an autistic brother she is convinced is unjustly behind bars for a brutal murder, a lawyer sets out to prove her sibling's innocence - only to uncover even more life-changing secrets in the process.

TAGLINE: "Nothing stays hidden in Daylight"

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Its release date is Saturday August 24, 2013

Production details

Director David McCracken, Diederik Van Rooijen, Joel Townsend & Kaidan Tremain
Cast David McCracken, Jennifer Bacon, Josh Riedford & Sydney Morris
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2013-08-24
Script David McCracken (screenplay), Diederik Van Rooijen, Joel Townsend (screenplay), Marion Pauw, Marion Pauw (novel), Philip Delmaar (screenplay) & Simone Kome van Breugel (screenplay)
Runtime 114 min


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