Watch Dear Mother online

Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie Dear Mother, directed by Laurent Lafitte & starring Hélène Vincent, Karin Viard, Laurent Lafitte & Vincent Macaigne on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Dear Mother

One day, Jean-Louis discovers that his heart has stopped. He is not dead, can walk and talk, but his heart is no longer beating. With the help of his wife and a friend, he tries to understand the origin of this mystery.

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Its release date is Thursday October 8, 2020

Production details

Director Laurent Lafitte
Cast Hélène Vincent, Karin Viard, Laurent Lafitte & Vincent Macaigne
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country of origin Belgium
Release date 2020-10-08
Script Sébastien Thiery
Runtime 98 min


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