Watch Descendents online

Can you stream the Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Descendents, directed by Jorge Olguín & starring Cristobal Barra, Karina Pizarro, Patricio Lynch & Sergio Allard on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Descendents

In an unknown future, the earth has been destroyed by man and the air is polluted with a mysterious virus that turns humans into zombies.

TAGLINE: "Nobody is Immune to Fear!"

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Its release date is Monday April 7, 2008

Production details

Director Jorge Olguín
Cast Cristobal Barra, Karina Pizarro, Patricio Lynch & Sergio Allard
Genre Horror, Science Fiction & Thriller
Release date 2008-04-07
Theme Apocalypse & Cephalopods
Location Chile
Script Carolina García & Jorge Olguín
Cinematography Juan Carpintero
Music Claudio Perez
Runtime 74 min


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