Watch Devil’s Island online

Can you stream the Horror movie Devil’s Island, directed by Sean King & Taylor King & starring Elle Alexander on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Devil’s Island

Based on a true story: Norwegian winter, early 20th century. On the island Bastoy, located in the Oslo fjord live a group of delinquent, young boys aged 11 to 18. The boys daily, sadistic regime is run by the guards and the principal

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Monday March 15, 2021

Production details

Director Sean King & Taylor King
Cast Elle Alexander
Genre Horror
Release date 2021-03-15
Theme Death & Grieving & Psychopaths
Place setting Ohio & West Virginia
Time setting 1945, 1950 & 1965
Script Sean King & Taylor King
Runtime 71 min

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