Watch Devil’s Revenge online

Can you stream the Horror movie Devil’s Revenge, directed by Jared Cohn & starring Jason Brooks, Jeri Ryan, Robert Scott Wilson & William Shatner on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Devil’s Revenge

A down-on-his-luck archaeologist returns from a cave expedition that contains a cursed relic that's also a portal to Hell. He discovers that the only way to stop the curse on his family is to go back to the cave and destroy the relic.

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Its release date is Tuesday October 1, 2019

Production details

Director Jared Cohn
Cast Jason Brooks, Jeri Ryan, Robert Scott Wilson & William Shatner
Genre Horror
Release date 2019-10-01
Theme Cannibalism, Kidnapping, Psychopaths, Rape & South Korean Revenge
Place setting Seoul
Location South Korea
Script N/A
Runtime 98 min


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12/12/12 | Dec 4th, 2012

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3.5/10 | By Jared Cohn
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