Watch Didier online
Can you stream the Comedy movie Didier, directed by Alain Chabat & starring Alain Chabat, Isabelle Gélinas, Jean-Pierre Bacri & Lionel Abelanski on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Didier
Jean-Pierre, a frazzled sport agent, has better things to do than to look after his friend's labrador Didier. An amazing discovery will lead him off on an amazing adventure.
Its release date is Tuesday January 28, 1997
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Its release date is Tuesday January 28, 1997
Production details
Director | Alain Chabat |
Cast | Alain Chabat, Isabelle Gélinas, Jean-Pierre Bacri & Lionel Abelanski |
Genre | Comedy |
Country of origin | France |
Release date | 1997-01-28 |
Theme | Cats, Dogs & Sport |
Script | Alain Chabat |
Cinematography | Laurent Dailland |
Music | Philippe Chany |
Runtime | 105 min |