Watch Disrupted online

Can you stream the Horror movie Disrupted, directed by Andre Welsh & starring Amy Paffrath, Geoffrey Lower & Ron Kaell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Disrupted

An Oakland widower's thirst for justice is rekindled when a local killing is oddly similar to his wife's unsolved murder from decades ago.

TAGLINE: "No one is innocent."

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Its release date is Tuesday November 17, 2020

Production details

Director Andre Welsh
Cast Amy Paffrath, Geoffrey Lower & Ron Kaell
Genre Horror
Release date 2020-11-17
Theme Documentary Globalization & Documentary Labor Relations United States
Script Andre Welsh
Runtime 95 min

Other Andre Welsh Movies on Amazon Prime

Disrupted | Nov 17th, 2020

4.9/10 | By Andre Welsh
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Tubi TV