Watch Doghouse online
Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Doghouse, directed by Jake West & starring Danny Dyer, Emil Marwa, Noel Clarke & Stephen Graham on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Doghouse
A group of men, heading to a remote village to help one of their friends get over his divorce, soon discover that all the women have been infected with a virus that makes them man-hating cannibals.
Its release date is Thursday June 11, 2009
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Its release date is Thursday June 11, 2009
Production details
Director | Jake West |
Cast | Danny Dyer, Emil Marwa, Noel Clarke & Stephen Graham |
Genre | Comedy & Horror |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 2009-06-11 |
Theme | Drinking Weekend, Virus & Zombie |
Script | Dan Schaffer |
Runtime | 89 min |
Homepage | Doghouse Homepage |