Watch Double Cross online
Can you stream the Drama, Thriller & TV Movie movie Double Cross, directed by George Erschbamer & starring Bruce Boxleitner, Laura Soltis, William deVry & Yancy Butler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Double Cross
Two women jokingly agree to kill each others' husbands. Then one really does and blackmails the other into killing her own.
Its release date is Thursday February 23, 2006
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Its release date is Thursday February 23, 2006
Production details
Director | George Erschbamer |
Cast | Bruce Boxleitner, Laura Soltis, William deVry & Yancy Butler |
Genre | Drama, Thriller & TV Movie |
Country of origin | Canada |
Release date | 2006-02-23 |
Script | Barbara Fixx, George Erschbamer & Jeffrey Barmash |
Runtime | 88 min |
Homepage | Double Cross Homepage |