Watch Down in the Valley online
Can you stream the Drama & Romance movie Down in the Valley, directed by David Jacobson & starring David Morse, Edward Norton, Evan Rachel Wood & Rory Culkin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Down in the Valley
Set in the present-day San Fernando Valley, the project revolves around a delusional man who believes he's a cowboy and the relationship that he starts with a rebellious young woman.
TAGLINE: "Sometimes it's hard to find your way." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday May 13, 2005
Production details
Director | David Jacobson |
Cast | David Morse, Edward Norton, Evan Rachel Wood & Rory Culkin |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2005-05-13 |
Theme | Beach, Indian Territory, San Fernando Valley, Stetson & Strange Person |
Place setting | San Fernando Valley |
Script | David Jacobson |
Music | Peter Salett |
Costs | $8,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $852,872 |
Runtime | 114 min |
Homepage | Down in the Valley Homepage |