Watch Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde online

Can you stream the Drama, Horror & Science Fiction movie Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, directed by Paolo Barzman & starring Danette Mackay, Dougray Scott, Krista Bridges & Tom Skerritt on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll, unable to stop himself from transforming into the murderous Mr. Hyde, wants his attorney to secure him a speedy trial, a guilty verdict and a quick execution.

TAGLINE: "Everyone has a dark side"

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Tubi TV
Its release date is Saturday May 17, 2008

Production details

Director Paolo Barzman
Cast Danette Mackay, Dougray Scott, Krista Bridges & Tom Skerritt
Genre Drama, Horror & Science Fiction
Release date 2008-05-17
Theme Alter-ego, Human Experimentation Fiction, Jekyll And Hyde, Mad Doctor, Mad scientist & Psychopathic Killer
Place setting London
Script Paul B. Margolis & Robert Louis Stevenson (based on the book by)
Runtime 89 min

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