Watch Dr. No online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Thriller movie Dr. No, directed by Terence Young & starring Jack Lord, Joseph Wiseman, Sean Connery & Ursula Andress on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Dr. No
A resourceful British government agent seeks answers in a case involving the disappearance of a colleague and the disruption of the American space program.
TAGLINE: "NOW meet the most extraordinary gentleman spy in all fiction!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday October 4, 1962
Production details
Director | Terence Young |
Cast | Jack Lord, Joseph Wiseman, Sean Connery & Ursula Andress |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Thriller |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Release date | 1962-10-04 |
Theme | Amputees, Assassination, Based On Novel Or Book, Card Game, Casino, England, Exotic Island, London England, Spy & Terrorism |
Place setting | Jamaica & London |
Location | Jamaica |
Script | Berkely Mather (screenplay), Ian Fleming (novel), Johanna Harwood (screenplay) & Richard Maibaum (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Ted Moore |
Music | Monty Norman |
Costs | $950,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $59,600,000 |
Runtime | 110 min |
Homepage | Dr. No Homepage |