Watch Dragnet online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Drama movie Dragnet, directed by Jack Webb & starring Ann Robinson, Ben Alexander, Jack Webb & Richard Boone on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Dragnet
Two homicide detectives investigate the brutal shotgun murder of a crime syndicate member.
Its release date is Saturday September 4, 1954
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Its release date is Saturday September 4, 1954
Production details
Director | Jack Webb |
Cast | Ann Robinson, Ben Alexander, Jack Webb & Richard Boone |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1954-09-04 |
Script | Richard L. Breen (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Edward Colman (cinematographer) |
Music | Ryan Franks & Walter Schumann |
Costs | $500,000 |
Runtime | 88 min |