Watch Drevo online

Can you stream the Drama movie Drevo, directed by David Winning & Sonja Prosenc & starring Jernej Kogovšek, Katarina Stegnar, Lukas Matija Rosas Uršič & Saša Pavlin Stošić on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Drevo

A woman travels to her Vermont hometown to save her family's Christmas tree farm from foreclosure.

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Its release date is Monday July 7, 2014

Production details

Director David Winning & Sonja Prosenc
Cast Jernej Kogovšek, Katarina Stegnar, Lukas Matija Rosas Uršič & Saša Pavlin Stošić
Genre Drama
Country of origin Italy, Slovakia & Slovenia
Release date 2014-07-07
Theme Brothers, LGBT Christianity, Proms, Teenage Pregnancy, Tree & Woman Director
Place setting Maryland
Location Vancouver
Script Michael J. Murray, Mitja Licen & Sonja Prosenc
Cinematography Bobby Bukowski
Music Christophe Beck
Runtime 88 min


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