Watch Earthtastrophe online

Can you stream the Science Fiction movie Earthtastrophe, directed by Nick Lyon & starring Alexa Mansour, Andrew J Katers, Evan Sloan & Tonya Kay on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Earthtastrophe

In a white hot flash of light, and with no warning, one minute our moon is there, the next it's gone. Then, a second flash. And that's the last thing anyone on Earth can remember. 11 months...

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Its release date is Saturday March 5, 2016

Production details

Director Nick Lyon
Cast Alexa Mansour, Andrew J Katers, Evan Sloan & Tonya Kay
Genre Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2016-03-05
Theme Apocalypse, Flash Of Light, Moon, No Warning, Safe Ground, Survival & Wormhole
Script Ashley O'Neil
Runtime 82 min

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