Watch Eggnoid online
Can you stream the Drama & Science Fiction movie Eggnoid, directed by Naya Anindita & starring Kevin Julio, Luna Maya, Morgan Oey & Sheila Dara Aisha on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Eggnoid
Eggnoid is a human who comes out from Eggnoid eggs. He's been assigned to look after and be a friend when a human feels lonely.
TAGLINE: "Love & Time Portal" All streaming services available
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Its release date is Thursday December 5, 2019
Production details
Director | Naya Anindita |
Cast | Kevin Julio, Luna Maya, Morgan Oey & Sheila Dara Aisha |
Genre | Drama & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | Indonesia |
Release date | 2019-12-05 |
Theme | Woman Director |
Script | Archie The RedCat (story), Indriani Agustina (script writer), Naya Anindita (script writer), Nurita Anandia W. (script writer) & Yemima Krisantina (script writer) |
Runtime | 102 min |