Watch El barrendero online

Can you stream the Comedy movie El barrendero, directed by Miguel M. Delgado & starring Cantinflas, Eduardo Alcaraz, María Sorté & Ursula Prats on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: El barrendero

A humble street sweeper is the sole witness of a crime committed by art thieves.

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Its release date is Wednesday May 5, 1982

Production details

Director Miguel M. Delgado
Cast Cantinflas, Eduardo Alcaraz, María Sorté & Ursula Prats
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Mexico
Release date 1982-05-05
Theme Dog, Paint, Police, Robbery, Street, Sweeper & Thief
Script Cantinflas (screenplay), Fernando Galiana, Isaac Díaz Araiza (screenplay) & Mario Moreno Reyes (screenplay)
Runtime 113 min


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