Watch Exit Strategy online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Exit Strategy, directed by Michael Whitton & starring Big Boy, Misty Alli, Noelle Balfour & Sid Burston on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Exit Strategy
Evicted from his apartment, James has to move in with his girlfriend of 3 months. He quickly discovers that she's everything he never wanted in a woman. His only option is to get her to ...
TAGLINE: "Can we break up now?" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 10, 2012
Production details
Director | Michael Whitton |
Cast | Big Boy, Misty Alli, Noelle Balfour & Sid Burston |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Release date | 2012-02-10 |
Theme | Break-up, Crazy Girlfriend, Honesty & Urban Setting |
Location | California & Los Angeles |
Script | Jameel Saleem (based on the characters created by), Jameel Saleem (screenplay), Kimelia Weathers (based on the characters created by), Mustafa Harris (based on the characters created by), Reign Morton (based on the characters created by) & Rick Fontaine (based on the characters created by) |
Runtime | 76 min |
Homepage | Exit Strategy Homepage |