Watch Extraterrestrial Visitors online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Extraterrestrial Visitors, directed by Juan Piquer Simón & starring Guillermo Antón, Ian Sera, Nina Ferrer & Susanna Bequer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Extraterrestrial Visitors

A young boy in the woods discovers a lovable alien...or is it?

TAGLINE: "The Fate of the Earth is in Their Hands"

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Its release date is Tuesday December 13, 1983

Production details

Director Juan Piquer Simón
Cast Guillermo Antón, Ian Sera, Nina Ferrer & Susanna Bequer
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin France & Spain
Release date 1983-12-13
Place setting United States
Location Madrid
Script Joaquín Grau & Juan Piquer Simón
Cinematography * Juan Mariné * Ricardo Navarrete
Music Librado Pastor
Runtime 80 min

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