Watch Faraway online

Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Faraway, directed by Vanessa Jopp & starring Adnan Maral, Bahar Balci, Goran Bogdan & Naomi Krauss on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Faraway

Zeynep is unhappy. That's why she flees to a Croatian island, where her deceased mother bought a house long ago. She hopes to find peace and relaxation finally - but she hasn't reckoned with Josip, who still lives on the property.

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Its release date is Wednesday March 8, 2023

Production details

Director Vanessa Jopp
Cast Adnan Maral, Bahar Balci, Goran Bogdan & Naomi Krauss
Genre Comedy & Romance
Release date 2023-03-08
Script Alex Kendall & Jane Ainscough
Runtime 109 min


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