Watch White God online
Can you stream the Coming of age & Drama movie White God, directed by Kornél Mundruczó & starring Lili Horváth, Sándor Zsótér, Thuróczy Szabolcs & Zsófia Psotta on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: White God
Thirteen-year-old Lili fights to protect her dog Hagen. She is devastated when her father eventually sets Hagen free on the streets. Still innocently believing love can conquer any difficulty, Lili sets out to find her dog and save him.
TAGLINE: "The unwanted will have their day." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday June 12, 2014
Production details
Director | Kornél Mundruczó |
Cast | Lili Horváth, Sándor Zsótér, Thuróczy Szabolcs & Zsófia Psotta |
Genre | Coming of age & Drama |
Country of origin | Hungaria, Hungary & Sweden |
Release date | 2014-06-12 |
Theme | Animal Rights, Dog, Dogs & Revolt |
Place setting | Budapest |
Location | Hungary |
Script | Kata Wéber (screenplay), Kornél Mundruczó (screenplay) & Viktória Petrányi (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Marcell Rév |
Music | Asher Goldschmidt |
Costs | $2,200,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $282,358 |
Runtime | 121 min |