Watch Flesh Gordon online

Can you stream the Comedy & Science Fiction movie Flesh Gordon, directed by Howard Ziehm & Michael Benveniste & starring Jason Williams, Joseph Hudgins, Suzanne Fields & William Dennis Hunt on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Flesh Gordon

Emperor Wang (the Perverted) is leader of the planet Porno and sends his mighty "Sex Ray" towards Earth, turning everyone into sex-mad fiends. Only one man can save the Earth, football ...

TAGLINE: "Not to be confused with the original “Flash Gordon”."

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Its release date is Tuesday July 30, 1974

Production details

Director Howard Ziehm & Michael Benveniste
Cast Jason Williams, Joseph Hudgins, Suzanne Fields & William Dennis Hunt
Genre Comedy & Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 1974-07-30
Theme Earth, Erotic Movie, Interior Of The Earth, Kaiser Wang & Parody
Script Michael Benveniste (screenplay)
Costs $700,000
Runtime 78 min


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