Watch Frances Ha online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie Frances Ha, directed by Noah Baumbach & starring Adam Driver, Greta Gerwig, Michael Zegen & Mickey Sumner on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Frances Ha
Its release date is Friday May 17, 2013
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Its release date is Friday May 17, 2013
Production details
Director | Noah Baumbach |
Cast | Adam Driver, Greta Gerwig, Michael Zegen & Mickey Sumner |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | Brazil & The United States |
Release date | 2013-05-17 |
Theme | Black And White, Dance, Dance Teacher, Dancer, Dreams, Friendship, Late Coming Of Age, Loneliness, New York City, Responsibility & Sacramento |
Place setting | New York City |
Location | California, New York City, Paris & Sacramento, California |
Script | Greta Gerwig, N/A & Noah Baumbach |
Cinematography | Sam Levy |
Box Office Revenue | $4,069,826 |
Runtime | N/A |