Watch French Connection II online

Can you stream the Action, Crime & Drama movie French Connection II, directed by John Frankenheimer & starring Bernard Fresson, Fernando Rey, Gene Hackman & Philippe Léotard on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: French Connection II

"Popeye" Doyle travels to Marseille to find Alain Charnier, the drug smuggler who eluded him in New York.

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Its release date is Sunday May 18, 1975

Production details

Director John Frankenheimer
Cast Bernard Fresson, Fernando Rey, Gene Hackman & Philippe Léotard
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1975-05-18
Theme Detective, Drug Addiction, France, French Connection, Heroin, Illegal Drugs, Investigation, Marseille & Policeman
Place setting Marseille
Script Alexander Jacobs (screenplay), Laurie Dillon (screenplay), Laurie Dillon (story), Robert Dillon (screenplay) & Robert Dillon (story)
Cinematography Claude Renoir
Music Don Ellis
Box Office Revenue $12,484,444
Runtime 119 min


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