Watch Friday the 13th online

Can you stream the Horror movie Friday the 13th, directed by Marcus Nispel & starring Amanda Righetti, Danielle Panabaker, Derek Mears & Jared Padalecki on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Friday the 13th

A group of young adults discover a boarded up Camp Crystal Lake, where they soon encounter Jason Voorhees and his deadly intentions.

TAGLINE: "Welcome to Crystal Lake"

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Its release date is Wednesday February 11, 2009

Production details

Director Marcus Nispel
Cast Amanda Righetti, Danielle Panabaker, Derek Mears & Jared Padalecki
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2009-02-11
Theme Ax Murder, Axe Murder, Cabin In The Woods, Camp Counselor, Jason Vorhees & Teenager
Place setting Abandoned Houses
Time setting 1980 & 2008
Location Texas
Script Damian Shannon (screenplay), Damian Shannon (story), Mark Swift (screenplay), Mark Swift (story), Mark Wheaton (story) & Victor Miller (characters)
Cinematography Daniel Pearl (cinematographer)
Music Steve Jablonsky
Costs $19,000,000
Box Office Revenue $91,379,051
Runtime 97 min


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Other Marcus Nispel Movies on Amazon Prime

Exeter | Jan 16th, 2015

4.6/10 | By Marcus Nispel
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Friday the 13th | Feb 11th, 2009

Friday the 13th
5.6/10 | By Marcus Nispel
The United States | Horror
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

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5.2/10 | By Marcus Nispel
The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV

Pathfinder | Jan 11th, 2007

5.4/10 | By Marcus Nispel
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