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Can you stream the Comedy & Drama movie G, directed by Staffan Hildebrand & starring Joakim Schröder, Niclas Wahlgren, Sebastian Håkansson & Ulrika Örn on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: G
Three friends, Robban, Alexander and Kim has just left the compulsory school, and now they consider themselves grown-up and mature, being 16 years old. During the summer holiday they also ...
TAGLINE: "En film om kärlek, hasch, rock'n roll." All streaming services available
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Its release date is Friday February 25, 1983
Production details
Director | Staffan Hildebrand |
Cast | Joakim Schröder, Niclas Wahlgren, Sebastian Håkansson & Ulrika Örn |
Genre | Comedy & Drama |
Country of origin | Sweden |
Release date | 1983-02-25 |
Theme | Cricket India & Years |
Time setting | 1983 |
Script | Göran Gester, Joakim Schröder & Staffan Hildebrand |
Cinematography | Pradeesh Varma |
Music | Gopi Sunder |
Runtime | 109 min |