Watch G-Loc online

Can you stream the Science Fiction movie G-Loc, directed by Tom Paton & starring Casper Van Dien, John Rhys-Davies, Stephen Moyer & Tala Gouveia on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: G-Loc

Bran flees the cold, uninhabitable Earth. He hopes to get to Rhea, colonized by humans 582 years ago. Rheans are against new arrivals from Earth. He boards a Rhean spaceship with a cute, feisty Rhean.

TAGLINE: "In the last days of Earth comes a new beginning"

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Its release date is Tuesday August 11, 2020

Production details

Director Tom Paton
Cast Casper Van Dien, John Rhys-Davies, Stephen Moyer & Tala Gouveia
Genre Science Fiction
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 2020-08-11
Script Tom Paton
Runtime 92 min


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Assailant | Mar 22nd, 2022

5.4/10 | By Tom Paton
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