Watch Gabriel online
Can you stream the Action, Fantasy & Horror movie Gabriel, directed by Shane Abbess & starring Andy Whitfield, Dwaine Stevenson, Erika Heynatz & Jack Campbell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Gabriel
GABRIEL tells the story of an archangel who fights to bring light back to purgatory - a place where darkness rules - and save the souls of the city's inhabitants.
TAGLINE: "Far From Grace" All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday November 15, 2007
Production details
Director | Shane Abbess |
Cast | Andy Whitfield, Dwaine Stevenson, Erika Heynatz & Jack Campbell |
Genre | Action, Fantasy & Horror |
Country of origin | Australia |
Release date | 2007-11-15 |
Theme | Archangel Gabriel, Good And Bad, Heaven, Hell, Matter Of Life And Death & Purgatory Fiction |
Location | Sydney |
Script | Matt Hylton Todd (screenplay), Matt Hylton Todd (story), Shane Abbess (screenplay) & Shane Abbess (story) |
Runtime | 114 min |