Watch Genius online
Can you stream the Comedy, Crime & Drama movie Genius, directed by Michael Grandage & Viktor Sergeev & starring Aleksandr Abdulov, Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy, Larisa Belogurova & Yuriy Kuznetsov on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Genius
He is overly intelligent. He is genius. And he's just trying to make his life a little bit better in an new era post-communist Russia.
Its release date is Thursday June 6, 1991
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Its release date is Thursday June 6, 1991
Production details
Director | Michael Grandage & Viktor Sergeev |
Cast | Aleksandr Abdulov, Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy, Larisa Belogurova & Yuriy Kuznetsov |
Genre | Comedy, Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | Russia |
Release date | 1991-06-06 |
Theme | Writers |
Script | Igor Ageev |
Cinematography | Ben Davis (cinematographer) & Sergei Sidorov |
Music | Adam Cork & Eduard Artemyev |
Runtime | 162 min |