Watch Gigli online

Can you stream the Drama movie Gigli, directed by Martin Brest & starring Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bartha & Lainie Kazan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Gigli

The violent story about how a criminal lesbian, a tough-guy hitman with a heart of gold, and a mentally challenged man came to be best friends through a hostage.

TAGLINE: "Life doesn't play by the rules."

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Its release date is Friday August 1, 2003

Production details

Director Martin Brest
Cast Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bartha & Lainie Kazan
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2003-08-01
Theme Blackmail, Kidnapping, Lesbian, Lovers, Mentally Disabled, Mission Of Murder, Mobster & New York
Place setting Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles
Script Martin Brest
Cinematography Robert Elswit
Music John Powell (composer)
Costs $54,000,000
Box Office Revenue $7,266,209
Runtime 121 min


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Gigli | Aug 1st, 2003

2.4/10 | By Martin Brest
The United States | Drama
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Meet Joe Black | Nov 12th, 1998

Meet Joe Black
7.2/10 | By Martin Brest
The United States | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery & Romance
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Other Martin Brest Movies on Hulu

Meet Joe Black | Nov 12th, 1998

Meet Joe Black
7.2/10 | By Martin Brest
The United States | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery & Romance
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz

Scent of a Woman | Dec 23rd, 1992

Scent of a Woman
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The United States | Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz