Watch Gloria online
Can you stream the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Gloria, directed by Sidney Lumet & starring Cathy Moriarty, Jean-Luke Figueroa, Jeremy Northam & Sharon Stone on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Gloria
A street-wise, middle-aged moll named Gloria stands up against the mobs, which is complicated by a six-year-old urchin with a will of his own who she reluctantly takes under her wing after ...
TAGLINE: "Gloria. Big mouth. Big attitude. But who knew she had a big heart." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday January 22, 1999
Production details
Director | Sidney Lumet |
Cast | Cathy Moriarty, Jean-Luke Figueroa, Jeremy Northam & Sharon Stone |
Genre | Action, Drama & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1999-01-22 |
Theme | Cigarette Smoke, Moll, On the run, Organized Crime United States & Streetwise |
Place setting | New York City |
Script | John Cassavetes & Steve Antin (screenplay) |
Cinematography | David Watkin (cinematographer) |
Music | Howard Shore |
Costs | $30,000,000 |
Runtime | 108 min |