Watch Goodbye Charlie online
Can you stream the Comedy, Romance & Science Fiction movie Goodbye Charlie, directed by Vincente Minnelli & starring Debbie Reynolds, Joanna Barnes, Pat Boone & Tony Curtis on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Goodbye Charlie
Shot by a jealous husband, Charley falls out a porthole and is lost at sea only to find himself returned as an attractive blond woman. His best friend is staying at his house as he puts ...
Its release date is Wednesday November 18, 1964
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Its release date is Wednesday November 18, 1964
Production details
Director | Vincente Minnelli |
Cast | Debbie Reynolds, Joanna Barnes, Pat Boone & Tony Curtis |
Genre | Comedy, Romance & Science Fiction |
Release date | 1964-11-18 |
Theme | Reincarnation |
Script | George Axelrod (play) & Harry Kurnitz (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Milton R. Krasner |
Music | André Previn |
Runtime | 116 min |