Watch Gourmet Detective online
Can you stream the Mystery & TV Movie movie Gourmet Detective, directed by Scott Smith & starring Alissa Skovbye, Brooke Burns & Dylan Neal on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Gourmet Detective
In "The Gourmet Detective," a culinary whiz uses his mastery of food, drink and cooking to solve crimes of the culinary world.
Its release date is Saturday May 16, 2015
All streaming services available
Its release date is Saturday May 16, 2015
Production details
Director | Scott Smith |
Cast | Alissa Skovbye, Brooke Burns & Dylan Neal |
Genre | Mystery & TV Movie |
Release date | 2015-05-16 |
Place setting | San Francisco |
Script | Becky Southwell, Dylan Neal & Peter King (character created by: The Gourmet Detective) |
Runtime | N/A |
Homepage | Gourmet Detective Homepage |