Watch Grand Canyon online

Can you stream the Drama movie Grand Canyon, directed by Lawrence Kasdan & starring Danny Glover, Kevin Kline, Mary McDonnell & Steve Martin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon revolved around six residents from different backgrounds whose lives intertwine in modern-day Los Angeles. At the center of the film is the unlikely friendship of two men from ...

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Its release date is Wednesday December 25, 1991

Production details

Director Lawrence Kasdan
Cast Danny Glover, Kevin Kline, Mary McDonnell & Steve Martin
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1991-12-25
Theme Adultery, Arrest, Earthquake, Ensemble Film, Friendship, Grand Canyon, Hope, Mugger & Race Ethnicity
Place setting Arizona & Los Angeles
Location Arizona, California, Los Angeles & Utah
Script Lawrence Kasdan & Meg Kasdan
Cinematography Owen Roizman
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 134 min


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Silverado | Jul 10th, 1985

7.2/10 | By Lawrence Kasdan
United States of America | Western
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Starz