Watch Greetings From Fukushima online

Can you stream the Drama movie Greetings From Fukushima, directed by Doris Dörrie & starring Kaori Momoi, Kurumi Aizawa, Nami Kamata & Rosalie Thomass on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Greetings From Fukushima

A young German woman bonds with an elderly Japanese woman while touring the Fukushima region of Japan in the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake.

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Its release date is Thursday March 10, 2016

Production details

Director Doris Dörrie
Cast Kaori Momoi, Kurumi Aizawa, Nami Kamata & Rosalie Thomass
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2016-03-10
Theme Woman Director
Script Doris Dörrie (screenplay)
Runtime 108 min
