Watch Halloween Hell online

Can you stream the Horror movie Halloween Hell, directed by Ed Hunt & starring Eric Roberts, Molly McIntyre, Sam Aotaki & Sébastien Charmant on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Halloween Hell

Halloween Hell is a biting, satirical horror movie where a reality show's contestants are trapped on set with a deadly Devil Doll from Hell, and a psychotic host who thinks he is Dracula. Directed by horror/sci fi cult favorite, Ed Hunt.

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Its release date is Wednesday January 1, 2014

Production details

Director Ed Hunt
Cast Eric Roberts, Molly McIntyre, Sam Aotaki & Sébastien Charmant
Genre Horror
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2014-01-01
Theme Halloween
Script Ed Hunt
Runtime 87 min

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Halloween Hell | Jan 1st, 2014

Halloween Hell
3.0/10 | By Ed Hunt
United States of America | Horror
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