Watch Heaven’s Soldiers online

Can you stream the Action, Comedy & Science Fiction movie Heaven’s Soldiers, directed by Joon-ki Min & starring Gong Hyo-jin, Hwang Jung-min, Ji-hyeon Kim, Kim Byung-Choon, Kim Seung-woo, Park Joong-hoon & Seung-cheol Kim on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Heaven’s Soldiers

The movie follows two sides: one army whose orders are to deliver a nuke and the other army determined to stop them and try to get the nuke away from them...

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Its release date is Tuesday June 14, 2005

Production details

Director Joon-ki Min
Cast Gong Hyo-jin, Hwang Jung-min, Ji-hyeon Kim, Kim Byung-Choon, Kim Seung-woo, Park Joong-hoon & Seung-cheol Kim
Genre Action, Comedy & Science Fiction
Release date 2005-06-14
Theme Comets Fiction
Place setting Joseon Dynasty & North Korea
Time setting 16th century & 2005
Script Cheol-Hong Jeon (screenplay) & Joon-ki Min
Cinematography Park Jae hyung
Music Hwang Sang jun
Costs $8,000,000
Runtime 106 min

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