Watch Heavy online
Can you stream the Drama & Romance movie Heavy, directed by James Mangold & Steven Brill & starring Deborah Harry, Liv Tyler, Pruitt Taylor Vince & Shelley Winters on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Heavy
Plump kids are lured into joining a posh fat camp with the promise of quick weight loss and good times, only to find that the facility is a woodland hellhole run by a psycho ex-fitness instructor.
TAGLINE: "He's a man so shy, he doesn't even think he deserves love…" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday January 20, 1995
Production details
Director | James Mangold & Steven Brill |
Cast | Deborah Harry, Liv Tyler, Pruitt Taylor Vince & Shelley Winters |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1995-01-20 |
Theme | Fast Food Restaurant, Jealousy, Obesity, Pizza, Rejection, Seduction, Sexual Fantasy, Waitress & Years |
Time setting | 1995 |
Script | James Mangold, Judd Apatow & Steven Brill |
Cinematography | Michael F. Barrow |
Music | Thurston Moore |
Runtime | 100 min |