Watch Hee Porgi Kunachi online
Can you stream the movie Hee Porgi Kunachi, directed by Girish Mohite & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Hee Porgi Kunachi
Rejected and shunned by 35 prospective grooms as well as her very own family respectively, overweight Mumbai-based Sushila Sawant moves out, finds a job with Hindustan Bank and starts to ...
Its release date is Friday April 14, 2006
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Its release date is Friday April 14, 2006
Production details
Director | Girish Mohite |
Release date | 2006-04-14 |
Script | Abhay Dakhane (screenplay), Aniruddh Potdar (screenplay), Mangesh Kulkarni (lyrics) & Samir Joshi (screenplay & dialogue) |
Runtime | N/A |