Watch Henry & June online

Can you stream the Romance movie Henry & June, directed by Philip Kaufman & starring Fred Ward, Kevin Spacey, Maria de Medeiros & Uma Thurman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Henry & June

In 1931 Paris, Anais Nin meets Henry Miller and his wife June. Intrigued by them both, she begins expanding her sexual horizons with her husband Hugo as well as with Henry and others. June ...

TAGLINE: "A true adventure more erotic than any fantasy"

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Its release date is Friday September 28, 1990

Production details

Director Philip Kaufman
Cast Fred Ward, Kevin Spacey, Maria de Medeiros & Uma Thurman
Genre Romance
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1990-09-28
Theme Gay Man & Lesbian Interest
Script Anaïs Nin (book), Philip Kaufman (screenplay) & Rose Kaufman (screenplay)
Box Office Revenue $11,567,449
Runtime 136 min


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