Watch Hide and Seek online
Can you stream the Drama, Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Hide and Seek, directed by John Polson & starring Dakota Fanning, Elisabeth Shue, Famke Janssen & Robert De Niro on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Hide and Seek
As a widower tries to piece together his life in the wake of his wife's suicide, his daughter finds solace, at first, in her imaginary friend.
TAGLINE: "Come out, come out, whatever you are." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday January 27, 2005
Production details
Director | John Polson |
Cast | Dakota Fanning, Elisabeth Shue, Famke Janssen & Robert De Niro |
Genre | Drama, Horror, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | Germany & The United States |
Release date | 2005-01-27 |
Theme | Death & Grieving, Dissociative Identity Disorder, House, Imaginary Friend, Loss Of Loved One, Mystery, Suicide, Suspense & Uxoricide Fiction |
Place setting | New York (state) & Psychiatric Hospitals |
Location | New Jersey & New York (state) |
Script | Ari Schlossberg |
Cinematography | Dariusz Wolski |
Music | John Ottman |
Costs | $25,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $122,644,820 |
Runtime | 101 min |